Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Kundalini Woke Me

My kundalini woke me
Before anything was said

From my awareness rose the sweetness
While lying still in Bed

Wondering about the knocking 
Upon my Svadhishthana

Remembering the watery base resting
Surrounding these pelvic bones

When this communication swells
From deep within this space

A waterfall of surrender
Releases ancient haste

Because my heart invited her
To elevate her status

To expand the sensations
While walking up my ladder

To traverse through the heart center
To continue up my spine

To meet me at skull junction
The other base of mine

To shake and pour 
Into this, my soul

To merge and meld
During this silent time

My kundalini woke me
Before getting out of bed

My kundalini woke me
And this is what she said