Thursday, July 30, 2015

Blue Moon

Blue Moon, Full Moon where are you today
The shivas are not here and you want them to come out and play

I looked between the pines when low
And saw your sweet seductive glow

I expected to see your entire view
If only just for a moment of or two

Blue Moon, Full Moon, can I have just a look
Shakti is not here to laugh or to read a book

Oh how I long to experience your familiar grace
The neighboring clouds moved to finally frame your face 

Your heavenly canvas now fills the entire space
Shining down for those that are present enough to embrace

Blue Moon, Mother Moon I know you came for me
I am dancing and chanting for each of you eternally

Silently you expand beyond your sphere then transparent ring
Allowing your grace to shine through the walls of my subtle being

You came to share your wisdom and your divinity
Making sure your moonshine reveals to me my sweet, sweet trinity


Blue Moon 2009-2010 Art of Silence New Year's Eve with mom.  This is me loving my children.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Standing Inside Your Eyes

Looking into your eyes 
The vastness of the universe reveals itself in a single glance 

Your eyes open me into this eternity

They penetrate into me

Mesmerizing my mind

Meditating my soul

A simple moment of recognizable connection
Noticing this infinite complex perfection

While your eyes expand me into the darkness of the night sky

They transform me into the tiniest of particles into THE ... earth... elements

Wide enough to stand into
Deep enough to swim into

Strong enough to hold my presence

Soft enough to open my heart

Your eyes lead me to the source that so lovingly longs for itself

Standing inside your eyes

Standing in the darkness of your pupils ...

I let go
I let faith

…and I let love

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Tree that Crossed my Path

The tree that crossed my path, embraced me in its silence
With its rough exterior piercing my hands, the other side, soft and smooth
Inviting me to be still in its grace
Your long limb pressed upon my breasts, upon the rhythms of my heart

The stone that called me to it, sat me down on its silence
With its heavy solid base to carry my weight
Reminding me of my bones while cooling my flesh
You supported my being next to the sunlit wooden bridge

The wind that caressed my cheeks, settled me into its silence
With the seagulls, hawks, and crows circling in this element
Allowing my existence to bubble up randomly
You entertained the objects of my senses

The creek that walked me to it, submerged me in its silence
With its sweet liquid flowing down the open crevices
Trickling into my exposed vulnerability and willingness
You captivated me to come and wander in the mud

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Naked in the Woods

I walked naked in the woods today

No phone
No children
No friends
No conversations
No lingering memories bursting into my reality  

I didn't get far, but have to say
that being stripped down to the bone is not such a bad place to be

No guilt
No duty
No sorrow
No shoes
No contemplation from within

Just me and my bare feet mingling in the cold mud
Going places I've never been to on that same familiar path

rainbow gravel
soothing puddles
cleansing grasses

touching my soles
touching my soul

All while being naked in the woods today

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Universe

The universe cannot be described by words, but today

Your kisses flickered into my existence
Your tongue absorbed my liquid essence
Your fingers embraced my heart’s coherence
Your soul reunited itself with mine

The universe cannot be defined by words I know, but

the way the branches surrounded the brows of your eyes
while the speckled oaks collaborated and applauded your image

the way the sky peek-a-booed the blue of your irises
while you peered into your reflection

the way the wheat colored landscape merged with your exterior
while the rainbows danced in your lashes

the way the wind orchestrated your breath
while whispering  their secrets onto my flesh

the path that led us  to destiny will not be forgotten
on the day when you tasted my sacred teardrop

The universe cannot be confined in words you see, but

I know the way the colors of my palate rearranged themselves
while my reality expanded with you in it

I know you became the

The tree
The sky
The earth
The wind
You became each one with me

Monday, July 13, 2015

Belly Button Love

From where you've come from
From where you go

There is this 
Where infinity flows

Is the most spectacular 
Dark, and mysterious beginning that never was

It's happening
Without effort

It's happening now
By the time you've read this

It's already grown 
The past is dead

It's already shifted
Your perception is in your head

From the center of your being 
From the womb that bore you

Transferring friction
To electrical pulses

Transmuting love
To a different dimension  

Hollow are the tubes
That fueled your igniting heart

Empty are the passageways
For you've passed through many

To participate and ponder
This experience called life